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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube

It's kind of unfair to put all these together, because they each deserve their own writeup.

What hot community are you already part of? Are you on Facebook, Twittering with your friends, getting Adds on MySpace, or swapping pics on Flickr? Link back to your favorite sites and lenses from those profiles. Link hither and yon and back again, and you'll generate your own little traffic economy. Nice.
What if you used pictures to help tell your story?
The social conversation site of the moment. What if you twittered your latest lenses for your friends?
The perfect place for flaunting links and lenses.

Get your team, or customers, or friends to spread the word

It's not a top down world any more, folks

It only takes a dozen or two people to post something to Reddit, or StumbleUpon, or Delicious, or other social news and bookmarking sites to get a lot of attention to your work. Stop worrying about getting listed in the New York Times and start talking to your friends instead.
A great way to get discovered, just by being remarkable.
Tag your favorite links and lenses.

The 9 Free Things Every Site (or Lens!) Should Do

Rule #1: If you have a site or Squidoo lens, you want more traffic.

Rule #2: You don't have enough money to buy as much traffic as you need.

Rule #3: You've already made your site/lens as compelling as you know how to.

So, what now? Read on for the (free) details.

1. Register with technorati

It helps track blog posts and site changes

It's free and it only takes a few minutes. Technorati and Google both track all the changes you make in your Squidoo lenses and your website, but it helps if you sign up.
You might need your tech person to hold your hand on this one.

The secret shortcut of online promotion that there is no secret shortcut. Step by step, bit by bit, link by link, you build something important and powerful.

Hurry, but don't rush.

2. Become a Digger

Digg is a site that lets the mob find the good stuff

Not only is contributing to the community a good idea, but it pays off in traffic back to your best stuff. (Watch out! If your stuff isn't good, it will get buried).
Once something you do gets "Dugg", be sure to link to that on your site, so that others can Digg it as well.

Bonus #2a: Start an argument

It turns out that arguments and debates and comments are a great way to get people coming back.

Get More YouTube Video Views

Pure Genius! Just make sure you describe your video in two sentences, and then add the keywords so in the search people don't see them! You say you want more views on YouTube? Think of every word having to deal with your video WHAAABAMMM!

This is the MOST IMPORTANT secret! Using a certain thumbnail picture for your video can either make you or break you. If you're looking for a video about baby polar bears, are you going to click on the thumbnail with the cute polar bear face or the one where you don't have a clue WHAT IT IS? Hmmmm...common sense!


Either choose between the 3 thumbnails they give you or if that's not good enough, re-do the video to have a better shot for your thumbnail. The thumbnails stop at random times so I suggest you make the same length video and record the intervals. Check out How To Position Thumbnails in Your Video

4.Buying YouTube Views

You may be thinking, is this chick serious? But yes, I am! I have bought thousands of video views, subscribers, and channel views off Ebay (SO CHEAP TOO!!) Now there are many websites to buy from but Ebay is the most legit because you have Ebay Buyer Protection, so if they fail to deliver your views you automatically get your money back! *Happy Dance*

5 Steps To Becoming a YouTube Superstar!

How To Get More YouTube Views

type=textNow, while costly programs can be very helpful to you, there are many free tips and secrets you need to know. I have been on YouTube for over 1 year now and have earned partnership! My highest viewed video is up to 984,454 views now! Let me teach you how to make your way to the top!

1. Titles

I have noticed some people just upload their videos and leave the title!


"Funny dancer in florida.wmv"
"My video"

Do you WANT to look lazy? Because you do :]

One way to get the perfect title is to first do your research! Go to YouTube search and find similar videos that are successful AND use Google Adwords which is an awesome tool to find the perfect keywords people are searching for on Google! In my experience, the more keywords you have in the title, the better (maybe 3-5 words)

2. Tags and Descriptions

This is where people fail to understand how YouTube works so listen up! Just because you typed in 10 tag words, doesn't mean YouTube will find your video in the search. You MUST also put tag words in your description. The reason is, there is a restriction limit on how many tags you may use while your description can be as long as you want. Take advantage!

Get Free YouTube Views (Tube ToolBox)

Check out how I got 100,000 Video Views!

This article reveals all my secrets and tips to get your YouTube video views soaring THROUGH THE ROOF! So, you're sitting there staring at your video that has gotten 1 view in the last 24 hours, Sigh, now what? Well I'm no Shay Carl or Shane Dawson but I have learned a lot of ways to get super easy, fast traffic to your YouTube videos! With my 5 steps, you could become a YouTube Partner and start collecting some cash! Wooohooo! Get more YouTube Video Views NOW!

Article Directories With Page Rank 0

Article Blotter Subject matter: General
Article Bliss General
Acme Articles General
Excellent Guide General
Article Wheel General
Article Cube General
Article Wonders General

Article Directories With Page Rank 1

Article Stars Subject matter: General
Article Cell General

For other ways to get more traffic read the post on my blog:
40 Ways To get More Blog Traffic

Article Directories With PageRank 2

Article Snatch Subject matter: General
Submit Your Article General
The Content Corner General
Articles Every Query General
Article Niche Directory General

PR PageRank Checker

PageRanks shown on this page can change from time to time.There are many places to check what PageRank any website has. I mostly use Live PR Page Rank Checker which seems to work okay.

Article Directories With PageRank 3

amazines Subject matter: General
Idea Marketers Online business
Article Buzz General
Article Codex General
Untimate Article DirectoryGeneral
Article Compilation General
Article Warehouse General
Affsphere General - There was a pop up when visiting this website.
Right Article General
Internet Home Business Articles General
Article World General
365 Articles General

Article Directories With PageRank 4

And so the lists continue below with Article Directories PR4, PR3, PR2, PR1 and PR0.

Articles Factory Subject matter: General
SearchWarp General
Free Articles Zone General
I Snare General
ArticleRich General
A1 Articles General
U Publish General
Articla Maniac General
Article Garden General Green
Dime Co General
Article 99 General
Free Unique Articles General
Article/.net General

What Is PR PageRank?

If you are not sure about what Page Rank / PR means try the following articles: Google's PageRank Explained and also the entry on Wikipedia PageRank

Article Directories With PageRank 5

And below are a list of PageRank 5 Article Directories.

Article Alley Subject matter: General
Article Cube General
Web Source Web Site Design and Development

Site Reference Online articles
Article Insider General - income option
ArticlesBase General

Article Directories With PageRank 6

As there were no PR 7's sourced we move on to PR 6 Article Directories.

With Helium listed below it's possible to also make some money dependent on how many people read your article and so on. The full information is on their website.

ezine articles Subject Matter: General
Buzzle General
Helium General, also can make money
WebProNews eBusiness
Go Articles General
Article Dashboard General
ArticleCity General
Article Pool General - I found this very slow to load

Article Directories With PageRank 8

The highest ranking Article Directory I have been able to source will probably be of limited use as it's science based only. No doubt, though, there are a few scientists tucked away in laboratories deep in the depths of Squidoo.

As you probably know Google Page Rank is from 0 to 10. 10 being tops.

This is the link to the directory:

ACS Publications Subject matter: Science

Afraid there are no PR7's so we move on to PR6.

What You Need For A Good Article For An Article Directory

I'll keep if brief.

(1) You need to know a little about keywords and where to position these in an article. See The Beginners Guide To Keywords and SEO

(2) You'll have to write some decent stuff that is unique and not a rehash of hundreds of similar articles. It's got to be something of sufficient quality to make the reader want to read it in its entirety - after all you want them to see and click on your link(s) at the bottom.

Write with authority so that it appears that you know what you are talking about - give the allusion, whether true or not, that you are an expert on the subject.

(3) Your footnote and link is all important. Give the reader a reason to click on your link. Perhaps offer more tips, an ebook or some other incentive.

If your website, blog or lens gives more information on a similar subject as the article then traffic should follow.

Okay I've waffled on long enough the list of article directories now follows. They are in PageRank order.

Improve Your Page Ranking With Article Directories.

The better your Page Rank with Google the better your website, blog or lens will probably perform. It will, for example, help you to get higher in the search engines (though there are also other requirements).

And how do you improve your PageRank?
With links, and preferably quality links from places with a decent ranking themselves. These should help improve your own PageRank. This is why, in the list of 50 Article Directories, I have included their PageRank.

If you submit articles to article directories this will give you links to your own website, blog or lens. You will have links from the directories themselves plus hopefully other links from any other sources that publish your articles.

Article Directories can cultivate traffic, links and improve PageRank - well that's the theory!

Generally people fall into two groups when talking about the value of article directories. The first will enthuse about the traffic produced and others will tell of how they submitted dozens of articles and got nothing in return.

It all depends on the quality and subject matter of article.

Using Article Directories To Get Your Website, Blog or Lens More Traffic

In a way I'm writing this section wearing a different hat to when I was writing the previous section. I'm sort of contradicting myself.

If you write articles and submit them to article directories you will be able to include your bio as a footnote together with a link, or sometimes links, to your website blog or lens.

If the article is of interest other websites or blogs may then publish your words of wisdom - together with that all important link(s). It is these links that will bring traffic to your own blog etc.

So, yes, I did say previously there are drawbacks to getting articles from directories but the fact is that web and blog masters do hunt out suitable material.

So we've briefly seen the two main benefits of article directories but there is a third - links.

Using Article Directories To Get Articles For Your Website, Blog or Lens.

If you ever get stuck for something to write about, on your blog for instance, you can pop along to one of the directories and choose a suitable article relative to your niche.

This may seem an easy way to fill a blog, and it is, but there are two main drawbacks:

(1) You must publish the article exactly as it has been written, including a footnote giving a bio of the writer, together with a link to his or her website.

(2) The article may have been published elsewhere. It won't be exclusive to your blog.

With blogs, lenses or whatever what you write yourself, in your own style, is always best. Plus this will be something exclusive to you. If what you write is of value you may well get other web or blog masters linking to you - this is what link bait is all about.

In saying this there are still circumstances when it may be useful to get articles from article directories.

The Value Of Writing Articles For Traffic, Links and Improved PageRank

If you have ever read any advice about how to get more traffic to your website, blog or lens one of the suggestions is usually that you should write and submit articles to article directories.

With that thought in mind this lens is about article directories and has a list of 50 websites where you can submit your articles.

So what are these Article Directories all about?

Article Directories really have two main functions.

Firstly they are a place where you can get free articles to publish on your own website, blog, lens, newsletter or whatever.

Secondly they are somewhere to publish any articles you have written yourself.

Let's look at this in a little more detail

Wow, Submit Unlimited Articles to this Article Submission Service

Submit Your Article now allows you to submit unlimited articles to the article submission service. This is a service that I have used for the past 3 years and I have to say that the more consistent I am with using the service, the more results I see. As with anything, consistency is the key.

What I like about this service is that they allow you to create different versions of your articles, but they do it in a way that still provides a good quality article. One that you would be proud to put on your own website, and not some computer random generated article that sounds like you are not a native speaker of the language. This feature is valuable in itself because once you do this step, you can go back and get a new version of your article to post someplace else, like on a web2.0 property.

Their price just went up, but you can get this service before the price goes up again. It is still very reasonable to be able to submit unlimited articles a month. I am looking forward to where this service will be going.

If you sign up for this service today, you can still get it a the incredibly good rate of $47/month.

How to write an article that is a traffic magnet to your website

Steps to writing a powerful article

How do you create an article that people want to read? How do you entice them into wanting more? It’s not as difficult as you might think.
  1. Determine the topic of your article.
    You will first need to decide what general subject want to write about. Once you have the subject matter, you will need to focus in on a more specific subject.
  2. Research your market for the topic you have selected.
    Once you determine a topic, research your target market to determine a specific topic for your article. What specific questions are people asking, or what specific problems are they experiencing that you can help with?
  3. Find the keywords used by the people of your target market.
    This step is important because it tells you how your target market is looking for answers to their questions. You will want to use these keywords in your article.
  4. Brainstorm topics for your articles.
    Once you have your data from the previous steps, brainstorm some specific topics you can write about. This process is vital because it will help the creative juices begin to flow. Just begin writing down a bunch of words and phrases that relate to some of the problems people are experiencing, or questions they are asking. You can find a good book about brainstorming.
  5. Develop a Title for the Article
    Once you have a good list of topics based on the keywords, and problems/questions of your target market, create an effective article title that will get a reader’s interest and entice them to read your article. Good titles include “How To” lists, “Top 10″ lists, “Things to Avoid” lists, and many others.
  6. Begin Writing
    Now that you have the topic, title, foundation and structure of your article, you can begin writing. Start on the body of the article first. If you have a “Top 10″ type of article, then write a paragraph for each of the items in the top 10. Your paragraph should explain why for that item in at least 2 to 3 sentences.
  7. Create the introduction of the article.
    Once you have written the entire body of the article, It will be easy to create the article introduction. Remember, a basic article starts out with telling the reader what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you just told them. After you have written the article, it should be easy to tell them what you just wrote about.
  8. Write the conclusion of your article.
    This should be easy because you are re-capping what you just wrote about. If you are promoting a product or service, I find that leaving a question, or giving the reader a teaser of something more is very helpful. I know it isn’t proper ‘etiquitte’, but it helps in leaving the reader wanting more.
  9. Proofread your article
    Once you have written it, look it over for grammar, spelling, flow, and if it speaks to the level of your audience. Double check for factual accuracy. If you can, get someone else to read your article
  10. Create your resource box.
    The resource box is the place you want to direct the reader to a specific call to action, like signing up for your mailing list, calling you, sending them to your website, or buying a product or service. A good structure for the resource box is to state a problem and what they need to do to avoid it. If you have enough space, it is helpful to leave credentials about who you are, and why they should listen to you.
  11. Let the world know about your article! You can find places to promote your article.

How To Monetize Your Articles – Article Cash Review

This eBook has been around however it is still should be in everyone’s toolbox who is interested in monetizing their article writing efforts. Article Cash is a detailed strategy on

1) how to find interesting subjects to write about,

2) how to create articles quickly,

3) how to write articles for the different types of monetization techniques and

4) how to find products and services to promote for lifetime residual income.

This eBook is excellent for the beginner who would love to learn how to write articles quickly and monetize them. It shares some great ideas on how to use them in your auto-responder series and in eBooks as well as use them in other ezine newsletters.

The eBook also goes over in detail an auto-responder series you can use to promote affiliate programs – an actual example of an auto responder series is listed so all the reader has to do is copy it and change it to the niche they are working with as well as using their own style of writing. This section could have been structured a bit differently as I had to read it twice to see what was going on, however once I did that, it became clear what the series was and I could see the different messages in the example.
The eBook goes into good detail about how to find affiliate programs and even some good places to find the different types of affiliate programs, residual and one-time. The strategies used are a bit different and the eBook goes into detail about these differences, which could cause you to double or triple your response rate if followed.

The strongest aspects of the eBook are in the examples and the resources that are given, as well as the strategies to implement them. Someone reading this eBook could begin implementing these strategies right away if they wanted to. The strategies are solid and would work when followed. There may be a need to tweak and test, but you get some guidelines (like how much you need to make per affiliate product in order to make a profit).

Some of the weak points is that if you are a brand new beginner that doesn’t know terms like an auto-responder, you could be lost for a couple of days until you catch yourself up on the lingo. While the eBook does mention other things like writing effective titles, it doesn’t go into much detail on how to do that. However you can refer to products and services like Turn Words Into Traffic, or Drive Traffic To My Website where they go into great detail about how to crate catch titles. Drive Traffic To My Website will even help you create a catchy title.

Steps to writing a powerful article

How do you create an article that people want to read? How do you entice them into wanting more? It's not as difficult as you might think.
  1. Determine the topic of your article.
    You will first need to decide what general subject want to write about. Will it be about cars, real estate, horses, e-commerce? Once you have a basic area, you will need to focus in on a more specific subject. There are several ways to do this and this lens will cover one specific way.
  2. Research your market for the topic you have selected.
    Once you determine a topic, research your target market to determine a specific topic for your article. What specific questions are people asking, or what specific problems are they experiencing that you can help with?
    Perform a search online in your area of interest and see what they are talking about. You can also so a search for forums and blogs in your area of interest and see what is being discussed there.
    The easiest way to create an article that people find valuable is to actually answer questions that real people are asking.
  3. Find the keywords used by the people of your target market.
    This step is important because it tells you how your target market is looking for answers to their questions. You will want to use these keywords in your article.
  4. Brainstorm topics for your articles.
    Once you have the information from the previous steps, brainstorm some specific topics you can write about. This process is vital because it will help the creative juices begin to flow. Just begin writing down a bunch of words and phrases that relate to some of the problems people are experiencing, or questions they are asking. You can find a good book about brainstorming from the list below.
  5. Create a Title for the Article
    Once you have a good list of topics based on the keywords, and problems/questions of your target market, create an effective article title that will get a reader's interest and entice them to read your article. Good titles include "How To" lists, "Top 10" lists, "Things to Avoid" lists, and many others.
  6. Begin Writing
    Now that you have the topic, title, foundation and structure of your article, you can begin writing. Start on the body of the article first. If you have a "Top 10" type of article, then write a paragraph for each of the items in the top 10. Your paragraph should explain why for that item in at least 2 to 3 sentences.
  7. Write the introduction of the article.
    Once you have written the entire body of the article, It will be easy to write the introduction. Remember, a basic article starts out with telling the reader what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you just told them. After you have written the article, it should be easy to tell them what you just wrote about.
  8. Write the conclusion of your article.
    This should be easy because you are re-capping what you just wrote about. If you are promoting a product or service, I find that leaving a question, or giving the reader a teaser of something more is very helpful. I know it isn't proper 'etiquitte' (etiquette), but it helps in leaving the reader wanting more.
  9. Proofread your article
    Once you have written it, look it over for grammar, spelling, flow, and if it speaks to the level of your audience. Double check for factual accuracy. If you can, get someone else to read your article
  10. Step away from the article
    Don't look at your article for at least 1 day.
    Step away and do something else.
  11. Re-read your article and proofread again
    You'll be amazed at the way your article reads to you when you look at your article again after some time off. Make the appropriate changes and then you are ready to finish it. If you still aren't happy, repeat steps 9 and 10 again.
  12. It's now time to create your resource box.
    The resource box is the place you want to direct the reader to a specific call to action, like signing up for your mailing list, calling you, sending them to your website, or buying a product or service. A good structure for the resource box is to state a problem and what they need to do to avoid it. If you have enough space, it is helpful to leave credentials about who you are, and why they should listen to you.
  13. Let the world know about your article! You can find places to promote your article.

How to Write an Article that Powerfully Drives Traffic To Your Web site

It's easier than you think to write a winning article!

To People Who Want To Write - But Can't Get Started

Here is a process that is useful in creating articles that are designed to be of quality, high value and will have a higher rate of follow through by the reader. This process will easily generate a quality article of 600 words or more. The majority of people don't know how to write an article or don't think they have time. This process will guide you through a quality article in as little as 30 minutes. Try it out.

To find out more about this article writing service that helps you create original articles that published by the search engines, go to this

Article Marketing.

Article marketing is another way to get paid to write. Instead of selling your articles to others, you are publishing your content on the web to promote products and get paid as an affiliate.

Article marketing is also known as bum marketing and usually does not cost anything to get started. It is called bum marketing because you do not have to invest in domain names or hosting. Instead your articles are posted on free article sites or social media sites that allow affiliate links or participate in revenue sharing.

Now do not get me wrong and think that you can simply start posting articles on the web and make easy money. There are many guidelines that must be followed to become a successful article marketer.

If you write articles for money wouldn't you rather get paid over and over again instead of getting paid to write a single article for a one time fee?
Check out bum marketing to learn more about the ins and outs of this system.

Blogging for cash.

Writing articles for money can bring you a decent income. But to get paid to write articles requires lots of work. If you really enjoy writing and can produce 8 to10 or more articles per day. Freelance writing may be right up your alley.

Another option to make money for your hard work is blogging. Thousands and thousands of people make a very good income by blogging about interesting things. It's also not as complicated as you may think.

Regardless of the subject....Whether it is politics or how to knit a sweater for a chihuahua. If you can write about it, someone will be interested in reading it.

The great thing about blogging is that the articles you write will work for you to make money over and over again. Instead of writing an article and selling it for a one time payment you will earn from the article as long as it is posted.

You can use your blog to promote affiliate products or simply put ads on your blog that earn you money each time someone clicks the link. Because of this, blogging is a simple way to make residual income that pays you month after month with a lot less work than is required to be a freelance writer.

When done properly blogging is definitely a more profitable investment of your time than writing articles for money. It requires way less work in the long run without having to grind out article after article each day to ensure a steady income.

If you are interested in learning to make a living with this method. I suggest you check out this course to learn all the ins and outs of making a great living from blogging. It is rather expensive but is well worth the price to get you started on the right path immediately instead of fumbling around for months or years trying to be successful on your own.

Get paid to write articles for others.

As a freelance writer for hire you will typically be given an assignment to write an article on a specific subject. You may be given certain instructions on the finer details of what the article is to be about, such as the title, and the scope of what the content should be. Then again you may only be given a keyword and be told to write a 500 word article on the subject.

Most writing jobs are for internet marketers and webmasters needing unique content for their blogs and web pages. Some may require high quality content and are willing to pay top dollar for it. Others may be willing to sacrifice quality over quantity and expect to pay less money per article but will order them in bulk.

Regardless of the situation, certain criteria must be met to become a successful freelancer and get paid to write.

  • Provide unique quality content.
  • Deliver articles on time.
  • Proper grammar is a must.
  • Basic understanding about keyword density.